Preventing Warts

Warts are tumors or growths that occur on the skin when the keratin component of it grows too fast. This is a condition that is brought about by the presence of Human Papilloma Virus, otherwise commonly known as HPV. They are highly contagious and hence can be passed from one person to another through skin to skin contact.
Are warts preventable? And if yes, how can they be prevented? The first thing to put in mind is that you should never touch warts with your bare hands. If you are obliged to do so, for example when they appear on your child, you should use gloves.
You should also not share shoes or socks with someone who has verrucas. Verrucas is a type of wart that occurs on the sole of feet and when removed, easily grows back because of the weight exerted on the feet by the body. Sharing shoes or socks puts you in a high risk of obtaining the HPV virus responsible.
Incase you find that you have warts, do not attempt to scratch or bite them off. This will transfer the HPV virus to your mouth or nails, causing the warts to spread.
When you use communal showers, always ensure that you wear sandals. This is because the HPV viruses can be on the floor they may infect you with perhaps verrucas if you step on them. This should also be applied when walking around communal pools.
On the other hand, to prevent the spreading of verrucas to other people, you should wear a water proof plaster or band aid when you go swimming. When out of the pool, you should always cover your verrucas with a special type of socks.
For those with warts on their hands, when handling communal items, you should use gloves. This applies especially for such places as gyms, where you should handle all the equipment with gloves to prevent the transmission of the warts.
In case you accidentally touch a wart, you should immediately wash your hands and thoroughly as a matter of fact. To do this, you should use a disinfectant soap and a lot of water.
Above all, you should strictly avoid using the personal items of people who have warts. Examples of these items would be towels, clothes, combs, nail clippers etc.
Condoms also go a long way in reducing the chances of wart transmission. However, they are not a hundred percent effective.