Genital warts in Women

Moist and dump regions have been known act as a fertile ground for fungal and viral germs and warts. One of the most common infections women face is genital warts. Medical journal have also documented that the most common STI (Sexually Transition Infection) among sexually active women is genital warts. Such kinds of viral infection do not appear to have any visible symptoms, but at time may be associated with uncontrollable itching and burning sensations. They may result in irritation in centralized locations depending on the genital infection region. Women folk who have genital warts inside the vaginal track may spot blood stains immediately following sexual intercourse or an abnormal vaginal discharge with a pungent smell. Such kind of skin ailments manifests itself in form of pink rashes or coarse looking inflammations.

One of the best ways of diagnosing genital warts is to get a pap-smear procedure done. Pap-smears are conventionally performed to identify the Acidic or base PH composition of the virginal track. Moreover, Pap-smears have been known to diagnose cervical cancer in women. For a much clearer analysis the samples obtained from the pap-smear can be tested in a medical laboratory to identify the full extent of the warts. There is no known cure of genital warts but myths suggest that the removal of the lesions that constitute the warts may subconsciously reduce the frequency by which they spread. Doctors may prescribe a combination of steroids to fight off the infection but the most effective means is the use of substances that boost the immune system. Such Drugs may be taken orally or inoculations administered in the affected areas daily for period spanning two to three months. If genital warts proof to be cumbersome, laser surgery or liquid nitrogen can be applied to the affected region and surgically removed.
Refraining from sexual activities and avoiding multiple partners can prevent the spread of genital warts. Abstinence may not be a total solution against warts in general. A woman who is infected by skin wart my transfer the virus from other regions such as the finger tips or any open sore to her genitals during bathing. To curb the spread of warts among partners, doctors suggest that sexually active couples should use latex condom. It should be noted that condoms do not provide total protection against genital warts.
In conclusion, women are encouraged to go for pap-smear services if they suspect that they may have any form of virginal discomfort. Refraining from sexual engagements may also provide partial protection against Genital warts.

wartsFurther Reading: Removing Warts –  Are Warts Dangerous? –  Can warts turn cancerous?

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